Our artists


Chibi – Kawaii / Comic – Anime / Aquarell

Nuki - my real name is Franziska; I was born in 93 and come from Bitterfeld.

Nuki has been my nickname and stage name since 2009, but Franzi is okay too. That’s what I’m called in the studio. I am a commuter and have a set daily routine to balance family and job. So my day starts relaxed, with a walk, with the dog. Then I prepare everything for school for my son. When everything is done, I am on my way to Leipzig.

Art has been with me for a long time. At first it was just drawing, until designing and building 3D models. It's my way of relaxing. The desire to become a tattoo artist came, indirectly, very early on, when I was drawing on the children of the neighborhood with pens. The adults, with their colorful pictures, were my inspiration. During my training as a chemical technician and further training as a trainer, I had myself tattooed and so the old flame was kindled again.

How did I get to the Color ClinicI was there in 2018 as a customer from a giveaway. Later I added Paula to follow up on her work. I discovered digital drawing for myself. To show my development, I posted my drawings. In January 2019 I got a message from Paula. She asked me to come over with a portfolio. I took the chance and stayed after an internship as an apprentice.

With a lot of discipline and fire in my heart, I am living my dream. The Studio family is leading me in the right direction. You are not left behind.

Tattoo styles: Chibi – Kawaii, Comic, Anime und Aquarell.

"The sun shines every day, even behind thick, black clouds"

- because life is too short to be sad.